Protologue Description: 13. Cracca floridana n. sp.
Perennial from a short, somewhat creeping ligneous root. Stems prostrate, 2-6 dm. or more long, dichotomously branching, spreading, angled above, clothed with a short appressed or spreading often somewhat viscid pubescence ; stipules 3-5 mm. long, subulate, often persisting ; petioles 1-2.5 cm. long ; leaves 4-10 cm. long, oblong or rarely linear-oblong, in outline ; leaflets 9-13, oblong or oblong-obovate obtuse or truncate at the apex apiculate, 1.5--3 cm. Iong, 5-12 mm. wide, glabrous and yellowish-green above, lighter, strigose with whitish hairs and the veins turning reddish beneath ; peduncles terminal and axillary, 7 cm.-2 dm. long; bracts subulate ; pedicels 5-8 mm. Iong ; flowers solitary or geminate, 1-1.5 cm. long ; legume 3-4 cm. long, 4 mm. wide, erect, straight, strigillose; seeds 6-10, oblong, ovoid, grayish or brownish variegated with black. ,
Differing from C. chrysophylla in its more numerous, narrower leaflets and the pubescence of the lower surface, which is that of C. smallii. It is very close to the latter, from which it differs however, in its truly prostrate and spreading habit, narrower and more numerous leaflets.
Central Florida, G. V. Nash, Nos. 494½, 1198, 1263, 1334, 1552, 1615. Louisiana, New Orleans, Dr. Ingalls.
Types in Herb. Columbia College.

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